Blackwell Unbound - Review

Blackwell Unbound
Rating: N/A - Rating Not Applicable

I guess this is the prequel to Blackwell Legacy. Dave Gilbert must have settled into his stride, figured that these games have legs and since we'd be seeing a lot of Roseanglea - the character might need a fleshing out. The back story involves Rosa's aunt Lauren and is set in the '70s. She is older than Rosa, a little more tired of Joey and is an intrepid smoker with ashtrays stationed on every surface of her apartment. There is no computer or cell phone, instead Lauren uses the telephone book.

The game style here involves multiple ghosts– with their own separate stories:

The saxophone playing ghost will involve you into the jazz music scene and a cast of interesting supporting characters and good music;
The ghost of an elderly woman who refuses to leave her apartment – haunts the demolished site of her building;
The Mitchell character, a writer for the New Yorker shows up here and will pop up in another episode;
and here you will meet for the first time – The Countess and Madeline.
It takes some clever finagling to get these ghosts to accept that they are dead and you even get attached to the ghosts.

This is my favorite Blackwell – the jazz, the bluesy mode, the interesting characters that will show up in other episodes – of course first time players don't know this – it's what makes this a rich episode.

Fun Factor: Since I expect to continue playing her it's nice to get some background on Roseangela
Female Factor: Lauren is older and tougher than Roseangela but there is a family resemblance
Player Friendly: No problems

Reviewed by: Editor - May/14

  • Blackwell Unbound
  • Author: Dave Gilbert
  • © Wadjet Eye Games
  • Platform(s): W7 Vista XP
  • Game Site: Download $4.99
  • To order: Download Steam $4.99