Perils of Man - Review

Perils of Man
Rating: N/A - Rating Not Applicable

Perils of Man is a collaboration between a Swiss indie studio IF, and ex-LucasArts Bill Tiller (Curse of Monkey Island) - a weird and wonderful combo. What would you do if you could go back in time and change destiny - prevent catastrophes, save multitudes? Ana Eberling, a teenager, is living with her overprotective mother who imagines danger in the slightest attempt to do anything. The dark family mansion is imbued with the ghosts of the Eberling clan - a family of eccentrics, black sheep and mad scientists. The family characters resemble loose gangling puppets with carved wooden faces and large eyes. The game mostly involves finding, combining and using the right objects to solve the problems.

Ana is the perfect poster teen for a STEM girl (science, technology, engineering, math), her bunny is named Bunsen, she has a chemistry set-up in her bedroom, she reconstructs a robot bird named Darwin as her companion and she is perfectly comfortable in the turn of the century gloriously ornate laboratories. Traveling back in time she is faced with two catastrophes. Can she change the course of history - should she? How she solves it is an interesting philosophical dilemma. It makes a good story that this lone teenage girl is confronting the foibles and mistakes of her male relatives and so ... the Perils of Man.

The environments are too impressive to be used only once - Expect sequels.

Fun Factor: An adventure with a fun, turn of the century science bent
Female Factor: A STEM girl - great role model
Player Friendly: No glitches. Some solutions are not apparent and requires trying everything.

Reviewed by: Editor - May/16

  • Perils of Man
  • © Vertigo Games
  • Platform(s): W7 Vista XP OSX