Midnight Play

Midnight Play

It’s hard to place Midnight Play into a category. It’s a bit like being immersed in a Zen experience. Screens dripping in tomato red and poison green unfold and its mesmerizing tempo captures you. It almost runs itself with scant input by you. The amusing Czech-like carnival drawings from the children’s picture book by Keveta Pacovska come alive and create an entirely new experience.

The music is a masterful addition. Every image has a sound attached to it – a reed flute, a harp, a calliope, paper rustling, circus music, percussive sticks and drums. A cat’s whiskers provide an opportunity to experiment with four part harmony. Drummers fall out of the sky for you to coordinate and orchestrate.

The paths are so random that even after playing the ‘game’ you are constantly surprised as to where you are and how you arrived there. Of course, you can hit the space bar if you want to change the scene to get to your favorite part – but it’s still random.

There is little input required. For young children, simply moving a mouse without clicking will produce changes. This may not hold the attention of hyper active button clicking pre-teens but for adults – it is a wonderful tranquil place to go to and revisit. Grownups will want to own it as an art piece.